Once fish has reach consistency, remove it from the brine (it is not a very salty brine) so you do not have to rinse the fish but you can if you choose to. Place salmon on racks to dry until a nice glossy coating forms. This could take several hours, if you have space place racks in fridge.
Although most salmon is hot smoked, I like to think I slow/cold smoke my salmon for the best candied quality. I will do my smoking in the evening when the temperature is cooler, which aids in keeping the smoker a little cooler. I will also vent open my smoker (either by propping the door open slightly or opening the vent all the way (depending on type of smoker you use). you want the fish temperature to rise slowly. Do not add chips/pucks/wood to smoker for the first hour, just let the fish rise slowly to temperature. Remember to put the thickest pieces on the bottom of the smoker and thinnest to the top.
I like to use Alder for smoking my salmon and halfway I will add cherry or maple. In keeping the temperature low and the smoking wood controlled, you can do a nice slow cold smoke thru the night but again it all depends on thickness and amount of fish being done.
Now to candy your salmon: heat wine, rum, sugar, honey/maple syrup in a saucepan. There are a few ways to candy your salmon. It is your choice, have fun, experiment.
1. Glaze may be brushed on several times thru the smoking process
2. You may removes salmon halfway thru smoking process and soak the salmon in glaze for a few hours before resuming smoking
3. Place the smoked salmon into a container with the glaze and leave it to absorb in the fridge (do not leave longer than a day or the sugar will suck out more moisture from the smoked fish even without salt
1 kg -2 kg Demerara or Natural Brown Sugar
7/8 – 1 cup coarse salt (no more than a cup)
set aside for later (optional):
crushed garlic (8 cloves)
crushed peppercorns (small palm full)
grated fresh ginger (2 tsp)
grated zest of 1 orange
red chili flakes (1/2 tsp)
cayenne (1/2 tsp)
do not add any liquid seasonings as this could compromise the salt/sugar ratio…..however I personally have snuck in about 4 oz of dark rum into the brine
Candy Glaze:
4 oz. red wine
4 oz. dark rum
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup honey or maple syrup
pepper/cayenne (optional)
smoker temperature: try and keep 100-125 degrees (slow smoke)